About Us
Internal audits, supplier audits, and commercial grade surveys are required activities when you manage a nuclear quality assurance program. While the base requirement is that they are performed and documented in accordance your quality program, Acuity Quality Assurance’s goal is to go above and beyond that by improving quality programs. By combining a thorough understanding of nuclear quality assurance requirements and insight gained from a wide array of audits, Acuity Quality Assurance is able to bring a valuable perspective to any program audited. Through continuous improvement, Acuity Quality Assurance hopes to play its part in ensuring the continued safe operation of our nation’s nuclear power plants.
Brad Boothe
Owner and Nuclear Lead Auditor
US Navy Veteran – Operated nuclear reactor on the USS Los Angeles (SSN-688) and maintained the electronics systems.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management from the University of Arizona.
Certified Nuclear Lead Auditor in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23 – 1978 and NQA-1.
Has participated in audits of well established and industry leading nuclear suppliers (audit history available on request).
Led and/or participated in over 200 audits/surveys since 2011.